Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Strange is the girl. She has got space for everyone. The more I tried to understand her, she still remains a riddle. She contents with less. I feel pity for her. She has no complains against anyone. I developed a liking towards her. I am a well heeled person, in affluence having a family with a sweet child and a loving wife. We as a couple has deep understanding. She is bestowed with all virtues of a woman. Still then I feel lonely and yearn for Om.
Om Ratha. I got stuck at her serial in the list of new recruits. It seemed as if it was name of a male candidate. But actually it was a lady. I thought whether she could survive in the present service scenario. Aftermath I realised she is not a girl, but a fireball. Her manners were that of a boy. God has mistakenly made her a girl. I told her this much later, when we have come closer. With much hesitation, she becomes a friend of mine. She rolled in laughter when I told her this and become saddened. She had the feeling why she became a female in stead of a male. She has strange ideas. I am taken aback sometimes on her conduct.
She will arrive at unusual hours for assigned work. She will protest if payment is delayed.
She was inside an invisible circle of her own. Nobody dares to reach her. But there were murmurs behind her. I was a guarding stone wall for her. I did not entertain any discussion of her.
I sent her message to her cell on New Year’s Day. I was horrified on her expected reaction. She was as usual normal. No reaction on her face. Her indifference attracted me more towards her. I try to know more and more about her. But she appeared more a riddle. Her world was between her home and office. But I had marked she has no hesitation to accompany other on official work.
One day I found her talking to someone on her mobile. Nothing unusual. But she was still talking over half an hour continuously. Her voice was heavy and eyes tear laden. What Madam Hitler in tears, I thought.
I called her to my chamber to discuss a topic. A strange transformation in a while. She was quite normal. But, eyes were still swollen.
: Is there any problem?
: No. She had a forced smile on her face. She had dimples on her cheek. Actually speaking I developed weakness for the dimple on her cheek. After we got closer I had tried to touch the dimples. But she evaded it.
Afterwards I came to know she talks with somebody at a particular point of time. She does not tolerate any interruption. I smelt perhaps she is in love. I sly into rage.
I ventured one more SMS showing my inclination to her. The reply came that Om is meant for someone else. I did not get the scope his identification. But I named him Swastik.
The next day I confronted her and came to know that she is shrouded in a hard cell and a soft heart in it. I came close to it. She was quite normal with me, but had some unknown fear for me. I was sure she had no weakness for me . She talks to me, chats with me whenever she likes. But Swati (my wife) developed suspicion on me. I disclosed everything about Om to Swati, but not my weakness. Could not tell it. I sure that no husband on earth could divulge it. I did not want any disturbance for Om. Om had no knowledge of my marital status. I let her know about it. She was beaming with joy. I could not know the reason.
: You know Geet! My Buddha will be relaxed now. (She called her love Buddha).
I did not understand the relation of my marital status with Swastik. Om did not conceal anything from Swastik. Swastik was sure that I had developed weakness for Om.
: But Om! I really love you.
: I know. But I regard you as a friend. No one can replace my love. Her face glow a new light.
But she remains silent on Swastik. I wanted know what quality Swastik had to her heart. Sometimes she over spoke about Swastik and next moment fell silent. I could read tangs in her look. I feel she is disturbed in the absence of Swastik. It was of course natural in those circumstances. She calls me side hero. Of course I told it.
: Where is the problem in getting married to Swastik? I asked one day.
: He is already married. Slipped from her tongue.
: But............
: But what? Asked Om.
I could not believe it or digest such a proposition. I left the scene quietly.
I was buried the whole night of Om. I have overheard them. But never felt she is talking to a married person. But.......... How it could be possible? I feel both are dedicated to each other.
: Your imagination is correct Geet.
: But..........
: But don’t go further.
Swati was in agony over Om. I could not tell in details to Swati. I was alone at home. Swati had gone to her parents for Sabitri Puja. Suddenly Om called me.
: You have another existence besides me. You have a family with Swati and Sonu (my son). But there is no other person to standby my Buddha. I am the only reality in his life. Please don’t trespass. I want peace. She was weeping.
I could not read the situation. Again she rang me. I got annoyed. Switched off the phone. Even I did not come for chatting. I knew she would not have a wink of sleep of that night. Still then I controlled myself. I only know how the night ends.
I got up with the sound of the calling bell. I saw Om at the door. I could not belief myself. How could she get my address? Nothing is impossible for a girl like Om. Her eyes were heavy with drowsiness. She clasped my hand and wept. I got irritated when I came to know she has come on the directions of Swastik. I know Swastik feel insecure regarding me. It is astonishing he could not expense social recognisation to Om, how could become so intimate?
: You can’t understand it. Om said silently.
: I also don’t want to understand. I am pulling on well with my wife and she has not done anything which would force me to develop relation with another woman. I hurt Om knowingly. She had the incredible strength to absorb humiliation and slowly intoned “my Buddha also can never betray anyone”. After a while she left.
Though we were at a same office, we work in different projects. We go separately as team head. Each project takes months together for completion. I had not met Om for a long period. I could have talk to her over phone. But both of us refrained to talk. Once I met her in course of official work. Look pale and thin. I wanted to talk her, but she avoided. She called me from back.
: You not only the dedicated husband in the world. Swastik would have become one, if I had wanted. Whatever he has done it is only for me. He has not neglected his family, or would not do so for me.
I asked why she looked so weak.
: I am at an advance stage of cancer. That is why I compelled Swastik to get married elsewhere. Tell me frankly, are u so much dedicated? Did not you have soft corner for me?
I remain silent. She was descending steps.

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